Monday, 23 March 2015

20 things tag!

Hi guys,

So here is the 20 things tag! It’s just a shot post; I've not had much time write longer ones this week as I've got so much work to do before exams start next month.

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without?
My phone (of course), my purse and my make-up bag.
2. Favourite brand of make-up?

Revlon, Mac and Estee Lauder I guess.
3. Favourite flower?

I don’t really have a favourite flower.
4. Favourite clothing store?

ASOS and Ted Baker!! But ultimately it depends on the collection and the season.
5. Favourite perfume?

Vera Wang – princess perfume.
6. Heels or flats?

Heels, defiantly!!
7. Do you make good grades?

Yeah my grades are pretty good.
8. Favourite colours?

Mint green and purple.

9. Do you drink energy drinks?

Lucozade, pink lemonade.(ha that rhymes)
10. Do you drink juice?

Yeah, I love juice. Mainly tropical.
11. Do you like swimming?

Yeah I love to swim; I use to swim a lot when I was younger, I don't go that often anymore though.
12. Do you eat fries with a fork?

Depends if I'm in a fancy restaurant or not.
13. Favourite moisturiser?

Anything from soap and glory.

14. Do you want to get married later on in life?

Yeah when I'm older and financially stable.

15. Do you get mad easily?
 Yeah if someone says something that offends me, someone or something I care about, then it makes me mad.
16. Are you into ghost hunting?

Umm, I've never gone ghost hunting, and I don’t particularly want to, but that doesn't mean that I don’t think ghosts cant potentially exist.
17. Any phobias?

Clowns, masks and dolls.
18. Do you bite your nails?

Yes, it’s an awful habit. And I'm really trying to stop.
19. Have you ever had a near death experience?

No, thank god.
20. Do you drink coffee?

Nope, unless is a caramel latte. 

Thanks for reading.

Feel free to make any suggestions for other blog posts you want me to write.

Jade Autumn |  autumnwonderland  

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